Doorway fans are the largest mass produced doorway fans in Europe.
The cows will enjoy the barn even during the hottest summer days.
A new solution for energy-efficient ventilation of barns.The large propeller is a quiet but powerful workhorse, thanks to the aerodynamic blades. The blow of the propeller reaches as far as 40-50 metres. Despite its large size the power consumption is so low it's almost unbelievable. The low power consumption means the device is also very low in noise. The device has been designed to be inserted, for instance, at the door that leads to the feeding table. You can then open windows, air vents and doors from the other end of the barn for air circulation. Air is then blown in or out, depending on which direction has the cooler air. For instance, consider a warehouse that has been in the blazing sun for hours. It is warm inside so the air blown to its direction should be taken from the barn and the replacement air should be taken from the northern direction.
It should be noted that simply by circulating the air in barn you can create a pleasant sensation of wind even if the air is not actively replaced.
Since the power requirement and noise level of the fan is very low, it is a good idea to have the device on constantly. This way you can ensure the supply of fresh air in the barn at all times. You will also keep the flies away since they do not like air stream. Working in a cooling stream of air is much more pleasant than in sweaty, moist and still air. The air is cleaner and fresher.Heat affects the output directly as animals reduce food intake in hot temperatures. This causes the production to drop immediately. Due to heat the body weight of an animal often lags behind and the weight development is difficult to catch up during the cooler seasons. Many cattle farms, pig farms and poultry houses witness this issue every year.
For powerful ventilation
The doorway fan has a considerable amount of reserve. It is hard to imagine that for an animal shelter you would need to produce an air flow with a speed of more than 7m/s, but it is possible. The average power consumption then increases to around 2,5 kW. But ventilators for wood chip storage or hay storage may need this amount of energy.For industry and the workplace
With this fan it is easy to produce a cooling air flow in facilities where other types of fans can't be considered. Bridge cranes, for instance, prevent the installation of ceiling fans. Even the smallest 0,5 m/s air flow feels fresh and improves the work environment significantly, especially in high temperatures. It is considerably cheaper to produce a cooling air stream than to chill and ventilate workspaces with power-consuming air conditioners. The uncovered large propeller is a particularly effective air recycler. As little as 500 watts are enough to generate an effective air flow into a large hall. The reserve holds up to 2,5 kW power, making the air close to the propeller move at over 7 m/s speed.Filtering opportunities
This unique innovation is associated with air filtration as well. Since the rotation area of the propeller is large, it is possible to attach an air filter fabric directly in front of the propeller and filter air at the same time. The surface area of the filter is about 12 m2, so there will be plenty of air flowing through the filter. The filter will, however, slightly reduce the flow behind the propeller. But filtering is a much more convenient way to remove the impurities of dirty work instead of letting them spread out all over the entire workspace or trying to blow them out causing heat loss. You can use the filtering with painting jobs for example, and filter out the paint dust while working on your paint project. Simply by recycling the air in your workspace you can speed up the drying process of the paint. We performed a test with primer and the drying time was reduced by two-thirds when the fan was used.Usage in fire prevention
The device is ideally suited for flue gas blowing as well. Average animal shelters do not normally contain any combustible material at all, with the exception of barns and feed storages. However, in the case of fire the shelters are destroyed completely due to flue gases. Even the smallest amount of combustible material is gasified in the heat of a fire and forms a combustible mixture. But if you take an ordinary board for example, and try to set it on fire, it only burns on the surface and then extinguishes by itself. When the flue gases are stored in a confined space, all combustible material will eventually catch fire. You can stop the fire almost entirely by airing the smoky room. After the clean air has replaced the smoke and visibility in the room is good, all the necessary rescue operations can be performed normally.Before this, there were no large mobile fans like this on the market. This model is unique - all you need is AC power to kick start the large propeller that will effectively deal with flue gases. Therefore the device has been recently introduced to the rescue services, too.